
This document describes how to uninstall OpenGeo Suite for Windows.

  1. Shutdown all OpenGeo Suite services by navigating to Start Menu ‣ All Programs ‣ OpenGeo Suite and using the Stop shortcuts. Alternately, services can be stopped from the Windows Services dialog, and stopping both the OpenGeo Jetty and OpenGeo PostgreSQL services.


    Starting and stopping OpenGeo Suite services

  2. Navigate to Start Menu ‣ Programs ‣ OpenGeo Suite ‣ Uninstall.


    Uninstallation is also available via the standard Windows program removal workflow (Programs and Features Control Panel entry for Windows 7/Vista.)

  3. Click Uninstall to start the uninstallation process.


    Ready to uninstall OpenGeo Suite

  4. Uninstalling will not delete your settings and data. Should you wish to delete this directory, you will need to do it manually. The uninstallation process will display the location of your settings directory. By default, this directory is located at C:\ProgramData\Boundless\OpenGeo.


    Location of data and settings

  5. The uninstallation will proceed.


    Uninstalling OpenGeo Suite

  6. When finished, click Close.