Course Data

Natural Earth

The Natural Earth dataset is a free collection of vector and raster data published by the North American Cartographic Information Society to encourage mapping.

For this course we will be using the Natural Earth cultural and physical vector layers backed by a raster shaded relief dataset ( vector | raster).


Natural Earth

Digital Elevation Model

A digital elevation model records height information for visualisation and analysis. Natural Earth also provides this as extra data. Download the DEM to be used in this workshop.


Digital Elevation Model

The GeoServer “dem” styling has been used for this dataset.


To set up GeoServer:

  1. Use the Importer to add and publish -

    the following TIF Coverage Stores:

    • dem_large/16_bit_dem_large.tif
    • ne/ne1/NE1_HR_LC_SR.tif

    the following directories of shape files:

    • ne/ne1/physical
    • ne/ne1/cultural
  2. Cleaning up the published vector layers:

    • Layer names have been shortened for publication - the ne_10m_admin_1_states_provinces_lines_ship.shp is published named states_provinces_shp
    • Layer names should not start with a number (due to being XML invalid), so the 16_bit_dem_large.tif is published named dem
    • Use EPSG:4326 as the spatial reference system
  3. To clean up the published raster layers:

    • The NE1 GeoTiff is styled with the default raster style
    • The dem GeoTiff is styled with the default DEM style
  4. Optional: create a basemap group layer consisting of:


    This offers a combined layer, forming a cohesive base map.
