MBTiles Data Store

Adding an MBTiles Mosaic Data Store

When the extension has been installed, :guilabel:MBTiles` will be an option in the Raster Data Sources list when creating a new data store.


MBTiles in the list of raster data stores


Configuring an MBTiles data store

Option Description
Workspace Name of the workspace to contain the MBTiles Mosaic store. This will also be the prefix of the raster layers created from the store.
Data Source Name Name of the MBTiles Store as it will be known to GeoServer. This can be different from the filename.
Description A full free-form description of the MBTiles store.
Enabled If checked, it enables the store. If unchecked (disabled), no data in the GeoPackage Mosaic Store will be served from GeoServer.
URL Location of the MBTiles file. This can be an absolute path (such as file:C:\Data\landbase.mbtiles) or a path relative to GeoServer’s data directory (such as file:data/landbase.mbtiles).