
The Layer Styles panel provides access to the Rules editor.


Rules editor

Use the Rules editor to:


Click the Add button to create a new rule. By default, this new rule has a preconfigured style.


Adding a new style rule

To change the style of the new rule, click the Edit button.


Click the Remove button to delete the selected rule from the rules list.


Removing a layer rule cannot be undone.


Removing a layer style rule


Select a rule in the Rules list and click the Edit button to display the Rule editor. The edit options are grouped into three categories—Basic, Labels, and Advanced.

Basic tab

The Basic tab provides options for configuring the simple symbology settings for the selected layer geometry type. This corresponds to the <PointSymbolizer>, <LineSymbolizer>, and <PolygonSymbolizer> in an SLD.


Editing a style rule: Basic tab

The following options are available:


Some options only apply to certain geometries.

Field Points Lines Polygons Description
Name Yes Yes Yes Human-readable title of the rule
Symbol (preview) Yes Yes Yes Display of the current symbology. Not editable.
Symbol Yes No No Well-known mark for the point. Examples include square, circle, star, and so on.
Size Yes No No Height of the mark
Rotation Yes No No Rotation in degrees of the mark
Fill Yes No Yes When selected enables feature fill
Fill Color Yes No Yes Color of the fill in #RRGGBB. Click the color box to launch the Color Picker.
Fill Opacity Yes No Yes Opacity of the fill. A setting of 100% means totally opaque.
Stroke Yes Yes Yes When selected enables feature stroke (outline)
Stroke Style Yes Yes Yes Type of line being drawn. Options are solid, dash, and dot.
Stroke Color Yes Yes Yes Color of the stroke in #RRGGBB. Click the color box to launch the Color Picker.
Stroke Width Yes Yes Yes Width of the stroke in pixels
Stroke Opacity Yes Yes Yes Opacity of the stroke. A setting of 100% means completely opaque.

Labels tab

The Labels tab provides options for configuring label settings for the selected rule. This corresponds to the <TextSymbolizer> in an SLD.


Editing a style rule: Labels tab

The following options are available:

Field Description
Label Features When selected enables feature labeling
Label values Sets the content of the labels based on a given layer attribute
Font Sets the font. Options are Serif, SansSerif, Arial, Courier New, Tahoma, Times New Roman, and Verdana.
Font Size Sets the size of the font
Font Weight and Style Sets the font to be bold and/or italics
Font Color Text color
Font Opacity Opacity of the text. A setting of 100% means completely opaque.
Graphic When selected enables graphic settings
Graphic Symbol Sets the type of symbol for the graphic
Graphic Size Sets the size (height and width) of the graphic
Graphic Rotation Sets the angel of rotation for the graphic
Graphic Fill When selected enables graphic fill
Graphic Fill Color Sets the color of the graphic fill
Graphic Fill Opacity Sets the opacity of the graphic fill. A setting of 100% means completely opaque.
Graphic Stroke (outline) When selected enables graphic strokes
Graphic Stroke Style Sets the style for the graphic stroke. Options are solid, dash, and dot.
Graphic Stroke Color Sets the color for the graphic stroke
Graphic Stroke Width Sets with width for the graphic stroke
Graphic Stroke Opacity Sets the opacity for the graphic stroke
Graphic resize Sets the property for resizing the graphic stroke. Options are none, stretch, and proportional.
Graphic margin Sets the margin around the graphic stroke
Halo When selected enables label halos
Halo Size Distance in pixels that the halo should extend past the label
Halo Fill Color Color of the halo
Halo Fill Opacity Opacity of the halo. A setting of 100% means completely opaque.
Label positioning When selected enables label positioning
Anchor point Sets the origin for label placement
Displacement (X-direction) Sets the x offset for label placement
Displacement (Y-direction) Sets the y offset for label placement
Perpendicular offset Sets the distance from the feature for right angle label placement
Label Priority When selected enables label priority
Priority Sets the attribute priority for the label.
Label options When selected enables label options
Auto wrap Automatically wrap the label text
Follow line Spline label text along feature
Maximum displacement Sets the maximum distance from a feature for label placement
Repeat Sets the interval for repeating labels over long features
Force left to right Sets the label draw order


Graphics are available in the Labels tab to provide support for combining label text with graphic elements. A common application for this is a road plate symbol, where a combination of the color of the background graphic element and the road name indicate the class of road.

Advanced tab

The Advanced tab provides options for configuring scale dependency and attribute-based rules.


Editing a style rule: Advanced tab

The following options are available:

Field Description
Limit by scale When selected enables scale-dependent rules
Max scale limit When selected enables maximum scale limit setting
Max scale limit 1: Maximum scale limit for the rule
Min scale limit When selected enables minimum scale limit setting
Min scale limit 1: Minimum scale limit for the rule
Limit by condition When selected enables attribute-dependent rules
Match condition Determines what conditions must be met for the rule to apply. Options are any, all, or none.
Match condition attribute Name of the attribute to test in the condition
Match condition operator Search operator. Options are =, <>, <, >, <=, >=, like and between.
Match condition value User-defined value the attribute is matched against
Add condition Adds additional conditions to evaluate
Add group Adds a group of conditions for more advanced tests

Color Picker

GeoExplorer provides a color picker for selecting RGB color codes for styles. Click a color box to display the Color Picker.


Color picker

There are a number of ways to select a new color, including:

  • Clicking the main color window
  • Entering decimal RGB values (0-255)
  • Entering decimal HSV values (0-255)
  • Entering a hexadecimal color code in RRGGBB format

The Color Picker also provides two additional options:

  • Websafe—Adjusts the current color to be web-safe
  • Inverse—Adjusts the current color to be its inverse (black becomes white, and so on)


Click the Duplicate button to duplicate the currently selected rule and add it to the list of rules.


Duplicating a style rule